Okajima Folia

[Attention] Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica will be suspended at the end of March, 2020. The deadline for de novo submissions is September 30, 2019. Thank you for understanding.

August 23, 2019
Editor- in- Chief
Yoshiaki Kubota, M.D., Ph.D.


Keiji Okajima

Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica was first published in 1922 (Year 11 of the Taisho Era) through the private funding of Professor Keiji Okajima who was the first head of the Department of Anatomy, Keio University School of Medicine. Back then it was the only western-language anatomical journal available in our country, through which the researchers could present their achievements worldwide. To this date, it has long been published continuously by the Editorial Committee in the department. The presence of this journal has been widely appreciated in the field of morphology, for example, the discovery of fat-storing cells in the liver, known as “Ito cells” in current western textbooks, by Dr. Toshio Ito who was the 8th alumnus at Keio University School of Medicine.

The journal is normally published quarter-yearly as a part of the electronic journal systems called “J-STAGE” which is maintained by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), an independent administrative agency in Japan.
We appreciate your continuing guidance and support for the journal

(Electronic editions of the journal are available from the digital contents service provided by JST [http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ofaj/-char/en].)

Yoshiaki Kubota, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Anatomy
Keio University School of Medicine


Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica publishes reports on original morphological research of clinical, laboratory, and experimental medicine, provided they have not been published elsewhere in whole or in part and will not be so published without the Editor’s permission. Submission of an article for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author to the publisher upon acceptance. The articles are generally classified as regular articles, case reports, short notes and review articles. Miscellaneous items including essays, book reviews and commentaries may also be published on approval of the Editorial Committee. Manuscript oriented towards methodological themes and containing significant technical advances in the field are also welcome. Manuscripts in English are accepted from investigators in any country whether or not they are members of the Japan Society of Anatomy. All submitted papers will be reviewed by referees and acceptance is based on significance, originality and clarity. Final decisions regarding acceptance are made by the Editor-in-Chief.


General instructions
A copy of the manuscript, complete with figures, tables and references, should be submitted, type-written and double-spaced on one side of the paper only with a margin of 3 cm; if this is not done, it may be necessary to return papers to the author(s) for retyping. A CD-ROM disk which stores files of the text and the figures should be also submitted together with the manuscript to the Editorial Committee. The preferred storage medium is a CD-ROM disk which is readable in Windows or Macintosh Operation System and the file can be readable by Microsoft Word, a word processing software. The figure files should be prepared either in JPEG, TIFF, PDF, or PPT formats.

Manuscripts and disks should be sent to: Editorial Committee of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica, Department of Anatomy, Keio University School of Medicine, 35 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-8582, Japan.
Tel. +81-3-5363-3745
Fax. +81-3-5363-3545

Manuscripts and disks should be sent to: Editorial Committee of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica, Department of Anatomy, Keio University School of Medicine, 35 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-8582, Japan. Tel. +81-3-5363-3745; Fax +81-3-5363-3545. Manuscripts should normally adopt for the following sequence; Title page, Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, and Figure legends. All pages in manuscripts should be numbered consecutively.

Title page
The first page of the manuscript should include.
・Title of paper
・Full name of author(s)
・Institutional affiliation, departments, and complete addresses
・A running title not to exceed 60 letters and spaces
・Name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address of the correspondence author should be sent
Abstract and Key Words
Each paper should begin with an informative abstract of 200 words or less, followed by five key words.
Papers should be written to be understandable to readers. Avoid laboratory slang and minimize jargon, if it’s not widely accepted. Methods and procedures should be described in specific details so that competent scientists can repeat the work. References to other papers describing the techniques may be given. The names and address of suppliers of reagents or instruments should be mentioned. The authors are recommended to divide Results section into several subheadings and to make the point of argument clear. Acknowledgements should include names of the research grants awarded for the current study and the statement of Conflict of Interest.

References should be numbered in the order of citation in the text and should be arranged and numbered consecutively. Abbreviations for titles of medical periodical should conform to those in the latest edition of Index Medicus.

(a) Periodicals: 1. All authors’ surnames with initials of first names; 2. Full title of paper; 3. Journal abbreviation; 4. Year of publication; 5. Volume; 6. First and last pages. For papers written in languages other than English, follow the style of example 2. 1.

  1. Boatmen JB, Bougek MM, Rabinovitz MJ: Mitochondrial swelling during cold exposure of the rat and hamster. Am J Physiol 1962; 202: 1037−1040
  2. Kumamaru H: An experimental study on the changes of cardiac function in condition of brain death. Keio Igaku (J Keio Med Soc) 1989; 66: 1097-1111 (in Japanese)

(b) Books; 1. Authors’ surnames with initials of first names; 2. Full title; 3. Name and domicile of publishers; 4. Year of publication; 5. Pagination of chapter.

  1. Irving L; Comparative anatomy and physiology of gas transport mechanisms. In:Fcnn WO, Rahn H, eds, Handbook of Physiology Washington DC, American Physiological Society, 1964; 177-212

Tables and figures will be inserted in the text where first cited, so references in these sections should be numbered accordingly. Only papers that are either published or in press may be cited in the reference list.

Figures, Tables, and Figure legends
One set of original drawings and photographs should be submitted. Xerographed copies of halftone illustrations (photographs, photomicrographs, electron micrographs, etc.) are not acceptable. All figures, tables, including graphs should be numbered consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and be indicated as such in parenthesis in the text. When a figure has several parts, use capital roman letters (Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B, etc.). Titles of all figures, tables, and their legends should be given in the last section of the manuscript. The maximum printed size for illustrations is 23.00 cm (length) ×16.00 cm (width).
The first proof shall be checked by the author and returned within 5 days.
Publication charges
The author(s) is expected to defray of the cost manuscript handling. Expenses for printing cost will be charged later after publication. Expenses required for color photography printing will also be charged to the author.
Reprints (minimal order is 30 copies) must be ordered with additional costs by returning the order forms provided with the proofs.